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Do we give immunizations?
We offer immunizations for both children and adults. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please call (317) 346-4368 for an appointment.
How much do children’s immunizations cost?
The cost of immunizations depends upon insurance eligibility. Please call the nursing division for pricing. (All children 0-18 years of age enrolled in Medicaid will receive vaccines at no cost).
When do we give TB tests?
TB skin tests will be offered Tuesdays from 8:30 am to 3 pm, and must be read the following Thursday between the hours of 8:30 am to 3 pm. At that time, we will give documentation of the result. The office is closed for all government holidays. Pricing is subject to change. Please call (317) 346-4368 for current pricing. Please be advised that if paying by credit card, your card will be charged an additional convenience fee which will vary based on the amount charged.
Do we provide home health nursing?
No, please refer to your physician.
Do you accept social security cards as a form of identification for birth certificates?
No, we have no way of confirming your social security card number since the federal government assigns the number; not the county.
May I get a birth certificate if I live in Johnson County?
Only if you were born in Johnson County can you get a birth certificate from the Johnson County Health Department. The Health Department has records for persons born in the county, not necessarily for persons living in the county. Please be advised that the only hospital in Johnson County is Johnson Memorial Hospital. If you were born at Community South Hospital or St. Francis Hospital, you were born in Marion County and therefore this office will not have your birth certificate. Persons born in another county/state have 2 choices: Contact the county health department where they were born or contact the state health department where they were born.
May I get a birth certificate for my friend?
No, the Johnson County Health Department only issues birth records to the person on the certificate, the parents listed on the certificate (no issuance to step-parent), brother (if he has the same last name or was born in Johnson Co.), sister (if she was born in the county so that we can check parents’ names), spouse or grandparents.
May I just get the wallet size birth certificate?
No, we no longer offer the wallet size birth certificate.
Do I need to obtain a food license to operate in Johnson County?
Yes, you will first need to submit plans and a menu for our review and approval 30 days prior to planned opening. Only after you have obtained approval from all of the appropriate offices; planning and zoning, building, and fire, may you open.
Can I operate a food-service kitchen out of my home kitchen?
No, food prepared in a private home may not be used or offered for human consumption in a retail food establishment.
We have a licensed retail food establishment. Can we have a cookout/tent party in the restaurant parking lot?
You will need to obtain a temporary license to cook, hold and serve food in the parking lot. You will also need to register the event. You can obtain a temporary license application from this website.
We are going to take part in a festival/fair. What do we need to do?
You will first need to contact the event organizer and become part of the festival or fair. You will then need to obtain a temporary food permit.
We are participating in a temporary event and will have two stands. Do I need two permits?
Yes, you will need a permit for each location.
We are a not-for-profit organization. Do we need a license to vend food at our event?
Under Indiana code 16-42-5-4, if you are an organization that has a state gross retail tax exemption [(501 (c)(3)], offers food to the final customer at an event held for the benefit of the organization, members of the organization prepare the food, and you do not conduct these events more than 15 days a calendar year, you may fill out an application and submit a copy of your state gross tax exemption to this department. If your organization does not have a state gross tax exemption you will need to obtain a temporary license.
We are a not-for-profit organization. Do we need a license to vend food at our event?
Under Indiana code 16-42-5-4, if you are an organization that has a state gross retail tax exemption [(501 (c)(3)], offers food to the final customer at an event held for the benefit of the organization, members of the organization prepare the food, and you do not conduct these events more than 15 days a calendar year, you may fill out an application and submit a copy of your state gross tax exemption to this department. If your organization does not have a state gross tax exemption you will need to obtain a temporary license.
The temporary guidelines say only limited food preparation shall occur on site. What does this mean?
Only grilling of meat and chicken can be conducted at the event. A sandwich can be assembled or pizza can be cooked and sliced. All other food preparation such as chopping, mixing, or thawing shall occur in a licensed food establishment prior to the event.
I am organizing a temporary event and am concerned about providing water to vendors.
The organizer is responsible for providing one location, at the event site, for the food vendors to obtain water for hand washing and wash, rinse, and sanitize of all food contact surfaces.
What is a temporary hand washing station?
This facility must consist of at least running water, soap, paper towels, a discard bucket and trash can. If a sink is not available, a large thermos or container in which water is held for dispensing for hand washing can be used. The container must have a spout that allows the water to remain running without holding or pushing it. A container twice the size of the water container needs to be placed under the water container to catch the wastewater.
I am an event organizer and have ordered portable toilets for my event. Can hand sanitizer be used instead of renting hand-washing stations?
Hand sanitizer is not a substitute for hand washing. You must provide hand washing stations as described in section 427 guidelines. The stations are rented from the portable toilet companies.
What are your hours?
We are open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We are closed from noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch. As a county office, we are closed on Johnson County holidays.
Where are you located?
We are on the Second Floor of the Courthouse in Franklin.
How do I find out when my case is set for hearing?
You should have gotten an email if the court has your email information. You can look on www.mycase.in.gov to find out when your case is set. You can also call the Court staff.
How do I get to talk to the Judge?
The Judge cannot speak with either side of a case without the other side being present. Put your request in writing and submit it to the Court.
Does the Court require special forms?
In most cases, no. Just write out your request in your own words. However, some state laws require specific information in some situations. There are some forms available at www.indianalegalhelp.org.
How do I submit my request to the Court?
You can efile it at www.in.gov/judiciary/efile. You can also mail it or you can submit it to D04ElectronicCopy@co.johnson.in.us. If you need to, you can bring it to the courthouse in person. You must also send a copy to the other party or their attorney if they have one.
How quickly can I get into court?
It varies. However, you can expect it to be at least 6 weeks in the future unless there is an emergency that involves someone’s safety.
When will the judge rule on my case?
Judge Clark tries to rule as quickly as possible, but there is usually a backlog of cases. By law, she has at least 30 days, and in some cases, 90 days to make a ruling.
How often should my tank be pumped? Is there a difference between pumping and cleaning?
As a rule, tanks should be checked for solids buildup every year and pumped every three years to five years, more often if you have a garbage disposal. It is best not to wait until the plumbing system begins to back up in your home. If solids overflow from the tank, some very expensive damage can be done to the soil absorption system. In practice, however, how often solids should be removed depends on the lifestyle of the family using the system and the size of the tank. For example, a garbage disposal can result in a rapid buildup of solids. Many homeowners have installed risers with child-proof caps on their tanks to simplify removal of solids and they routinely have their tanks cleaned every three to five years. When choosing a company to remove solids from your tank, ask if they thoroughly clean the tank and remove all solids. It is not very useful to just pump the liquids without removing the solids from the tank. Reputable companies flush removed liquids back into the tank to thoroughly agitate and remove settled solids. In addition, they check the baffles on the tank to make sure they are functional and clean the tank’s effluent filter (if installed). If your tank has an effluent filter installed, inspect it via the riser every 6-12 months for fouling. If buildup on the filter becomes substantial, have the tank cleaned. A properly functioning tank effluent filter protects the soil absorption field much more effectively than a baffle. If your tank does not currently have one, consider installing one the next time you have your tank cleaned.
Do I really need to protect the area where the septic system will be before constructing my home, as well as after installation?
Soil is the most expensive and important part of the septic system. As such, a homeowner should protect the soil absorption field before and after installation. All Indiana septic systems must discharge into the soil. For soils to be suitable for a septic system soil absorption field, they must not be compacted. Compaction reduces the ability of a soil to disperse and treat wastewater effluent and can lead to system failure, and a costly repair. The more natural and undisturbed the soil on your lot, the better your septic system is likely to perform. Do not put any structure on top of or 50 feet downslope of the soil absorption field either. It is also a good idea to maintain another area on the lot for another soil absorption field in case the system fails.
How can I prevent system failure?
If the system has been properly sited, designed and installed, the rest is up to you, the homeowner to see to the maintenance. In addition to routinely having solids removed from the septic tank, the soil absorption system can be damaged by excess water wastage in the home, exceeding the soil’s ability to absorb it. Either situation can result in long-term damage to the system. Homeowners with septic systems must also be more careful about what they flush down the drain than their urban neighbors. Never pour substances such as motor oil, gasoline, paints, thinners, or pesticides down the drain. These materials pollute the groundwater and are often toxic to the organisms in your tank and soil that breakdown your wastewater. Likewise, fats, grease, coffee grounds, paper towels, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, and other such items can clog your septic system. Moderate use of household cleaners, disinfectants, detergents, or bleaches do little harm to the system, but avoid excess use.
How long will my system last?
Many septic systems in Indiana last 20 years or more. On the other hand, if the system is not properly sited, designed, installed and maintained, it may have a life of only a few months or years, and be very difficult and expensive to repair or replace. Septic system failure can also result in a public health and water quality threat. Consequently, there are regulations in place at both the county and state level in Indiana that are intended to minimize septic system failures.
If I have a problem, what repairs can be done and who should do them?
If you have a septic system problem, you should contact the county health department. They should have a list of specialists who work in your county. You can also check the Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association. This organization lists the contact information of professionals throughout the state.
Will trees and tree roots affect my system?
Roots from trees and shrubs can invade and plug sewer lines. Wastewater effluent is full of plant nutrients including nitrogen and phosphorus. Roots are attracted to leaking septic tanks and to absorption fields to obtain these nutrients. Roots can seriously damage septic tanks and distribution pipes resulting in significant repair costs. If you do have trees near your soil absorption field, they should be as far away as possible from the entry point of effluent to the drain field. Trees should be planted at least as far away as their estimated root spread at maturity. One way to estimate this is by the ultimate height of the mature tree. For example, a weeping cherry may be expected to grow about 25 feet tall, and should be planted a minimum of 25 feet away from the drain field. A mature oak might need to be 60 or 70 feet away. While trees do remove a significant amount of water from the area, avoid planting water-loving trees such as willow and poplar near the soil absorption field. If you are willing to risk some root intrusion, non-aggressive species can be placed near to the drain field (although closer than 10 feet is not recommended). Although the root spread of non-aggressive species trees may eventually encompass a portion of the drain field, the roots are not likely to cause serious damage to the distribution lines because the lines are surrounded by gravel. Still, the potential for damage to the system exists.
What are the conditions that contribute to mosquitoes?*
Mosquitoes must have warm, often shallow, nutrient-rich, stagnant water to reproduce. Tour your property & eliminate situations that contribute the above conditions i.e. non-draining gutters, birdbaths, tree holes, rimless tires, pool covers, bottles, & cups. Mosquitoes only need a 1/4 inch or more of water to transform from egg to adult. Homeowners should flush out birdbaths once a week to prevent mosquito breeding.
How can I help prevent Hantavirus?
When excessive rodent droppings are observed, wet them down with a 9 to 1 solution of bleach water first, before you disturb the area. (9 parts water, 1 part bleach).
What should I do if I find a tick attached to my person?
Remove the tick using tweezers; apply an even, upward force. * No bare hand contact, if tweezers are unavailable use gloves or tissue. * Place the tick in a container with a drop of moisture. * Keep tick for 2 weeks. *Should you develop symptoms (unexplained rash). * Notify your doctor
What type of clothing should I wear to help prevent tick attachment?
Light in color, tightly woven fabric is best. Your pant legs should be tucked into your socks or boots if at all possible.
Does the Health Department test for mold?
We do not specifically test for mold but we do provide inspections of your home or business to help determine the quality of the air and solutions for fixing troubling issues.
How much does it cost for an indoor air inspection of my home or business?
The service is free to residents of Johnson County.
Besides mold, what other indoor air contaminants can affect the quality of the air in my home or business?
Contaminants such as carbon monoxide, sewer gas, natural gas, radon, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde are just a few things that can affect air quality. The JCHD has the ability to test for all of these issues. Further information regarding radon, testing, and rental properties: Radon Testing at Home: A Landlord’s Guide.
What do I do about open burning in my neighborhood?
As a general rule, open burning is not allowed in Johnson County, however, the JCHD can address this problem on a case by case basis.
How can I file property tax deductions?
You may file the homestead and mortgage deductions online at http://co.johnson.in.us/(scroll down to the area where you see the GIS link and click on the instructions) or you may file in person at the Johnson County Auditor’s Office.
What are the deadlines for filing deductions?
Deduction applications must be completed and dated by December 31 of the prior year if the taxpayer wishes to claim the deduction; it must be filed in the Auditor’s Office or postmarked on or before January 5th of the year the taxpayer wishes to obtain the deduction. (Example: file in 2020 for deductions effective for tax year 2020 pay 2021). All deductions have qualifications that must be met for the deduction to apply.
Who can file the property tax deduction?
You must be a deeded owner of the property. If filing a mortgage deduction, you must also be grantor on the mortgage.
Do I have to refile my deductions every year?
(1) HOMESTEAD DEDUCTION – No you do not have to refile every year with the exception: If there was a name change to the deeded owner(s) then a new homestead deduction would need to be filed. (2) OVER 65, DISABLED/BLIND, OR VETERAN’S DEDUCTIONS – No you do not have to refile every year. (3) MORTGAGE DEDUCTION – The only time you need to refile a mortgage deduction is if you refinance.
How can I find information, such as deductions filed and tax information?
1) You may go online at https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/?site=JohnsonCountyIN This site has lots of information relating to properties including taxes, assessed values, deductions, ownership and address information. (2) You may email: jcauditor@co.johnson.in.us *Please include your name, address, telephone number and parcel number (if available). (3) You may call the Johnson County Auditor’s office at 317-346-4310.
What should I do if I think a deduction(s) was not applied to my property tax bill?
(1) You may email: jcauditor@co.johnson.in.us *Please include your name; address; telephone number; parcel number (if available); and type of deduction in question. (2) You may call the Johnson County Auditor’s office at 317-346-4310.
What if I want to remove/vacate my homestead on my Johnson County parcel?
You will need to complete a Notice of Change of Use form and submit it to Johnson County Auditor. (Form) *You may email it to: jcauditor@co.johnson.in.us *Send regular mail to: Johnson County Auditor, 86 W. Court St., Franklin IN 46131 *You may call the Johnson County Auditor’s office at 317-346-4310.
How do I change my mailing address?
You may complete the change of address. (Form) NOTE: Please indicate that you are a deeded owner of the parcel you are requesting the mailing address change to be completed. *You may email it to: jcauditor@co.johnson.in.us *Send regular mail it to: Johnson County Auditor, 86 W. Court St., Franklin IN 46131 *You may call the Johnson County Auditor’s office at 317-346-4310.
Where do I get a plot plan of my property?
Plot plans are usually completed by engineering companies and are not recorded. If your property is located in a subdivision, you could get a copy of your plat, assuming it has been recorded in the Johnson County Recorder’s Office.
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