FAQs - Details


How do I clean up spills of body fluids on a pool deck?


Body fluids, including blood, feces, and vomit are all considered potentially contaminated with bloodborne or other germs. Therefore, spills of these fluids on the pool deck should be cleaned up and the contaminated surfaces disinfected immediately.

One of the most commonly used chemicals for disinfection is a homemade solution of household bleach and water. Since a solution of bleach and water loses its strength quickly, it should be mixed fresh before each clean-up to make sure it is effective.
  • 9 parts cool water
  • 1 part household bleach
  • Add the household bleach to the water
  • Gently mix the solution

For more information, contact Bob Smith at (317) 346-4372 or bsmith2@co.johnson.in.us.
Revised: 4/4/19