Available Deductions
Available Deductions
If you own a home or mobile home and are buying on a recorded contract, and use it as your primary place of residence, your home and up to one acre of land could qualify for a Homestead deduction. One homestead only per married couple is allowed in the State of Indiana per IC 6-1.1-12-37.
Mortgage Deduction
On March 21, 2022, Governor Eric J. Holcomb signed into law House Enrolled Act 1260-2022 (HEA 1260). Section 12 of HEA 1260 repeals the mortgage deduction in its entirety, effective January 1, 2023. This means that beginning January 1, 2023, individuals will no longer be able to apply for this property tax deduction, and county auditors will no longer apply the mortgage deduction to property tax bills beginning the 2023 pay 2024 cycle.
As somewhat of an offset, the Homestead Standard deduction was increased as of the January 1, 2023 assessment date payable in 2024 property tax cycle from the lesser of:
- $45,000 or 60% of the assessed value of the real property, mobile home not assessed as real property, or manufactured home not assessed as real property
- $48,000 or 60% of the assessed value of the real property, mobile home not assessed as real property, or manufactured home not assessed as real property
General Instructions for All Deductions
Deduction applications must be completed and dated by December 31st before the first year the taxpayer wishes to claim the deduction and must be filed in the Auditor’s office or postmarked on or before January 5th of the year the taxpayer qualifies to obtain the deduction.
The Auditor’s office encourages you to complete your Homestead deduction online, but you may also complete it in person. The Auditor’s Office is located at 86 W Court Street Franklin, IN. The office is open from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. We are closed all major holidays. You can reach a deduction specialist by calling 317.346.4310 or emailing jcauditor@co.johnson.in.us
To submit your Homestead deduction online visit: the Johnson County Portal on Beacon.
In order to submit the application online you must have the following information:
- A personal e-mail address.
- The last five digits of your Indiana Driver’s License number AND the last five digits of your Social Security number.
- The last five digits of your Spouse’s Indiana Driver’s License number AND the last five digits of your Spouse’s Social Security number.
- If your property is titled in the name of a trust you will need to mail a copy of the trust documents to the Johnson County Auditor’s Office.
- If you or your spouse does not have a Driver’s License or Indiana State Identification Card, please contact our office at 317.346.4310 for instructions on how to complete the form.
To learn about the State’s most common deductions and the associated eligibility requirements of each, see the links below. All deductions other than the Homestead must be filed at the Johnson County Auditor’s Office. Please do not print the form from the state's web site for the purpose of completing an application.
Please Note:
The Johnson County Auditor’s Office has partnered with a third party vendor, Tax Management Associates (TMA) to assist with eliminating homestead fraud. Tax Management Associates will be mailing letters to Johnson County residents whose eligibility for the Standard Homestead deduction needs further clarification. The Johnson County Auditor’s Office is working alongside TMA to ensure their high standard of customer service in maintained. Should you received correspondence from Tax Management Associated please know it is not fraudulent and you will want to respond as requested.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Homestead Standard Deduction and Other Deductions Frequently Asked Questions – Revised March 26 2014
Contact Us

- Phone: (317) 346-4310
- Fax:
(317) 736-7021 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm